

Jail is an unpleasant experience and the one thing on your mind is getting released. Remaining in police custody can have lasting negative impacts on relationships with family, friends, and significant others as well as impact you job though loss of employment or wages. It’s important to hire a lawyer who you trust to help you secure your release. The first step is to contact Savena Bhangal to assist you during this stressful time.

Contact Savena Bhangal, LL.B., LL.M.

Make sure you contact a lawyer you trust. Bail hearings can be complex to deal with on your own. It’s best to hire a lawyer as they can do everything possible to obtain the least restrictive bail conditions for your release. Savena Bhangal will guide you and your family/friends/significant other throughout the bail process with her knowledge and experience with the process.

Representation At Your Bail Hearing

Depending on your charges, you may be held for a bail hearing. At this hearing, a Judge decides whether you should be granted bail and released, or not. They will also determine what amount your bail is to be set at, as well as outline the conditions of your bail. Although many assume there is no need for representation as it sounds like a simple hearing, without proper representation a bail hearing could go extremely wrong. In some cases, it could end with the Judge deciding to not grant bail, causing you to remain in jail even though you have not been found guilty of the charge(s). At a bail hearing it is key to have an experienced lawyer by your side.

Representation At Your Bail Hearing

After Bail

Following your release, make sure to abide by all conditions as set out by the court. Failure to do so can result in new charge(s) of breach being laid against you.

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